Electronics & Computing
“The Clean Space includes open benches for light projects as well as soldering, electronic test, as well as computer workstations. Benches are first come first served and projects must leave with their owner. ”
Tektronix DS5034B, 350MHz 4-channel digital oscilloscopes (2)
Tektronix TLA5201 logic analyzer
Rigol DS1054Z, 50MHz 4-channel digital oscilloscope
HP 8565A 22GHz Spectrum analyzer
Digital Multimeters
Benchtop power supplies
Function generators
Logic analyzers
USB Labview DAQ
High-end Weller soldering stations
High-end hot air rework stations
Microscopes for fine rework
Standardized tool kits at every bench (wire cutters, strippers, soldering accessories, knife blade, tweezers, screwdriver, etc.)
Parts Room
Electronics components (diodes, resistors, capacitors, ICs, LEDs, displays)
Electromechanical components (switches, relays, motors, solenoids)
Development kits and evaluation boards (microcontrollers, FPGAs, Arduino and Raspberry Pi)
Remote control hobby parts
Pneumatic components
Project enclosures
Power supplies
Cooling fans and heat sinks
Computers & Software
Core i7 computer workstations with Linux Mint and Windows 10 (dual boot)
Business-class internet
Wired gigabit LAN and facility-wide WiFi
Synology 6TB RAID network file server
Resource Managers
Johnathan Vail
Clean Space Resource Manager - Johnathan has been programming computers and making things since the 70’s. By day he is a firmware engineer in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Projects at MakeIt Labs include the Electric Motorcycle, MakeIt Flight Club, and the original New doorbots for 25 Crown st. He has taught several Arduino and Raspberry Pi classes.
Dave Shevett
Parts Room Resource Manager - By day, Dave's an operations manager for a large software company, but at night he satisfies his need for organization and detail by keeping tabs on the parts inventory for the space. If you'd like to donate anything, or think the lab is missing or has run out of something, let Dave know, and he'll make it happen.