Donate Funding
100% of your donation goes to supporting our mission
There are no administrative fees, salaries, or overhead. We're always looking to improve our equipment and facilities to better serve our community, and your generous donation will go a long way to achieve that.
Please click this button to donate, or if you prefer, contact us for information on making a direct donation via cash or check. Thank You!
We are also actively seeking corporate sponsorships, and would love to discuss the advantages of becoming a partner of our organization.
Donate Time
We are entirely volunteer run, and rely on our members to keep the community going. Generously donating your time and expertise to MakeIt Labs means a lot to us.
Are you passionate about something? Teach a workshop!
Are you a licensed tradesman? Help with infrastructure improvements!
Are you a professional? Counsel us on legal/accounting/administrative matters!
Not sure how you can help? Please Ask!
Donate Equipment
MakeIt Labs could has acquired a significant portion of our equipment from member or Community donations. We're always looking to expand our capabilities, and will graciously accept useful tools, materials, and equipment. Due to limited space, please contact us to clear any donations in advance.
Thank you for your generosity!
MakeIt Labs is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, IRS #45-2258590.
Please consult with your tax expert to determine deduction eligibility.