Board Members
MakeIt Labs is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of New Hampshire and designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity.
Our mission is to create a thriving open-access technology workshop where our community of passionate volunteers share their knowledge of science, technology, and the arts with each other and the larger community through peer-to-peer learning, supported by the tools and other resources available at our unique facility.
Our Board of Directors are some of the many volunteers that support MakeIt Labs mission.
Tyler is a Digital Transceiver Engineer and we can usually find him in the metal shop or the garage at MakeIt Labs.
By day, Bill Schongar is a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, Inc., working on IoT, Big Data, and other techie buzzword things. The rest of the time he's kayaking, hiking, building projects or otherwise having fun with his two sons.
Nat is a avid snowmobiler and enjoys spending time outdoors boating and camping in warmer weather with his wife and sons. He's worked as an electrical engineer verifying pre-silicon CPU and SOC designs ranging from Alpha to x86 after graduating from WPI BSEE '95 and spending his earlier years working in marine construction and salvage. Currently he's a technical lead and manager at AMD in the Semi Custom Business Unit. At MakeIt Labs he's either working in the garage on a snowmobile or truck with his sons or keeping MakeIt's facilities maintained.
Peter is a former software engineer for Digital/Compaq/HP. In addition to MakeIt Labs, he is Treasurer for Sons of Norway District Lodge No. 3. He is also a past President of the Scandinavian Charitable Society of Greater Boston. In his free time, he is learning Italian, and teaches Irish on the weekend. His interests at MakeIt Labs include retrocomputing (such as the PDP-8), and learning about robotics and AVR microcontrollers.
Jennifer is a Certified Real Estate Appraiser and Agent who’s passionate about the Maker movement. My 2 teenage boys are well trained in science, technology, community, compassion, and always taking the back roads. While at the lab you’ll typically find me working with the laser cutter, in the wood shop, or chatting with other makers. The best part of MakeIt Labs are the people!
Mordecai is a Mechanical Engineer, husband and father who enjoys elegance in engineering and design. He loves to learn, to teach, and to improve the world around him. His interests include 3D CAD, cooking, and his two sons. Besides volunteering at MakeIt, he is also Technical Director for the church he attends in Manchester.
Marc is the President of Microelectrodes, Inc, a manufacuturer of medical/laboratory sensors. Interest in big data, IoT and bringing different disciplines of engineering together to solve real world problems. Father to Harrison a 6'8" high school student. BSEE WPI 82'